Saturday, October 10, 2015


Ally is a book written by Michael Oren, a former Ambassador of Israel to the United States. Oren grew up in the United States, but always yearned to return to his homeland of Israel. During his teenage and college years he traveled during the summer to Israel; working and fighting for Israeli freedom.

His book describes the delicate years of the alliance between Israel and the United States while he was ambassador. He describes the changes in America's policy regarding Israel throughout several decades and most recently with George W. Bush and Barack Obama at the helm. I found the issues in the alliance to be very interesting, but found the history of the Middle East and its relationship to Israel more fascinating.

Throughout my lifespan, there has been continuous news of the strife between Israel and Palestine and I have never had an understanding of the issues. This blog will highlight key events in the region and hopefully answer some of the same questions I had.

How did Israel become a country?
After WWII on May 14th, 1948 Israel was formed. (please check out the link for specifics)

How did this affect Palestine?
Palestine was partinioned between Jews and Arabs to make room for Israel. Palestine had been under the control of the British and supported the formation of the Jewish state. The general assembly of the United Nations voted 33-13 in favor of Israel's formation. Separating the region based on religious reasons is what has lead to so much strife between the two countries. Both believe they have ownership to Jerusalem as their holy ground.

What is the Six Day War?
Also known as the third Arab-Israeli War. Took place in 1967. Israel won and took over the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. Gamel Abdel Nasser (Egypt) teamed up with King Hussein (Jordan) and also convinced Iraq and Syria to join the fray. Before the Arab alliance could mobilize, Israel sprang a surprise attack taking over the Gaza Strip first. The victory for Israel further heightened conflict with Palestine because the conflict created hundreds of thousands of refugees.

What was the Lebanon War all about?
There were actually two wars nicknamed the Lebanon War. (1st-1982, 2nd-2006). 

  • 1982: Operation Peace for Galilee occurred when the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) invaded southern Lebanon. The war lead to PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) expulsion from Lebanon, however the Israeli’s failed to hold the land and it was taken over by Syria. This has lead to continued conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.
  • 2006: War between Israel and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. Lead to a cease fire and prison exchange.

What is the Arab Spring?
·       Tunisia: President: Ben Ali
·       Syria: Bashar Al-Assad
·       Egypt: Hosni Mubarek
·       Yemen: Ali Abdullah Selah
·       Libya: Muammer Gaddafi
 ( I have only included the leaders of the countries involved, please use the link for an interactive guide to everything that occurred in the Middle East)

I have been hearing about The Oslo Peace Process in the news. What was it?

1994. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat received the Nobel Prize for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East. However it collapsed when Rabin was assassinated by an Israeli who disagreed on religious grounds. A strong of terrorist attacks by Hamas followed leading to the election of Benjamin Netanyahu as part of the Likud party that has always opposed Palestinian statehood. However, Netanyahu was not able to win re-election in 1999 and Ehud Barak took over.

What was the 1994 Israel Jordan Peace Treaty?
Between Yitzhik Rabin (Israel) and King Hussein (Jordan), the treaty hoped to end over 46 years of war between the two countries. With their treaty, the two sides settled long-standing land and water disputes, agreed to broad cooperation in tourism, trade and other areas, and pledged that neither would let its territory be used as a staging area by third countries for military strikes against the other.

What were the Camp David Accords?                                                                                           Agreement reached between Israel and Egypt in 1978. The leaders in the deal would be given the Nobel Peace Prize--the first peace treaty signed by Israel in the region. The Accords were brokered by Jimmy Carter int he United States.

What is The Talmud?
A huge collection of doctrines and laws compiled and written before the 8th century A.d. by ancient Jewish Teachers 

What is the Yom Kippur Holiday?
The annual Jewish observance of Fasting, praying and repentance. It is considered the holiest day on the calendar. This year Yom Kippur was observed on Sep 22-23 

There was a war on Yom Kippur?
That would be correct, in 1973 was the Yom Kippur War. Held between Israel and Egypt. Egyptian and Syrian forces invaded Israel in a surprise attack. The war was financed by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Americans provided military assistance to Israel. A cease fire was called by the United Nations on October 24th. Henry Kissinger (US Secretary of State) acted as a peacekeeper which lead to the Sadat Initiative at Camp David. Anwar Sadat would later be assassinated by Muslim fundamentalists for taking a diplomatic approach to the war. 

I feel like I am scared of Hezbollah (Iranian Backed). But what is Hezbollah?
Known as the “Party of Allah” it was started as the militant group and political party in Lebanon. Born after the 1982 invasion of Israel into Lebanon. It has been classified as a terrorist organization by the USA and other nations. 

What was the Green Movement?
Where is my vote? It occurred after the election of Mahmoud Ahmadimijed in 2009 in one of the most contested Iranian Presidential elections. Protestors wanted to oust Ahmadimijed out of office.

Who was Yasser Arafat
 Helped found the PLO with Fatah (former Palestinian National Liberation Movement). Involved in several high-profile acts of violence including bombings, cross-border raids, airplane hijackings and the 1972 Munich Olympic hostage massacre. Part of the two state solution issued the Oslo Accords.

What is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
A treaty signed by over 190 countries, including the five nuclear-weapon states to prevent the spread of nuclear arms and weapons technology and ultimately to create peace.

Whats all the fuss about Gefilte Fish relating to Hillary Clinton?
Clinton was actually working to avert a crisis in the U.S.-Israel relationship–over a blocked American shipment to Israel of Asian carp. It is actually eaten during the Celebration of Passover.

Does the USA give weapons to Israel, UAE and Saudi Arabia?
You bet. In 2010, The US agreed to $10B in weapons including missiles, warplanes an other tools of war.

Major Players in the region:

President of Palestine (Mahmoud Abbas), Prime Minister of Israel (Benjamin Netanyahu), Former Palestinian Prime Minister (Salem FayyadAyatollahs of Iran (supreme leader) (Ali Khamenei)

Ali Khamenei: Interesting Quote on stance with Isreal: “ It is the mission of theIslamic Republic of Iran to erase Israel from the map of the region” 

Important Americans:

  • Vernon Jordan-civil rights activist in the United States, advisor to President Obama
  • Henry Kissinger-Former Secretary of State and US diplomat
  • George Mitchell-Senate Majority Leader (1989-1995), Special Envoy to Middle East Peace 2009-2011)

Groups Related to Israeli-US relations:

Americans for Peace Now
APN's mission is to educate and persuade the American public and its leadership to support and adopt policies that will lead to comprehensive, durable, Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli-Arab peace, based on a two-state solution, guaranteeing both peoples security, and consistent with U.S. national interests.

J Street
J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Important Books:

Another Important link:

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