Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Day in the Life..Sunday

A Day at the Beach:
After Church, Kait and I decided we wanted to go out for brunch. We invited a fellow American friend we have made, Alice along for our meal. Alice is part of the Full Bright program and teaches at a nearby high school. Kait found a cafe near the city center that she was dying to try out and I'm glad she did! For R60 ($7) we gorged ourselves with  tasty South African cuisine which included many dishes I had no name for. After we had three helpings including dessert we slowlllly meandered on down to the beach to soak in the sun. In Port Elizabeth we are moving into spring, and although it gets very windy, the weather is wonderful.

Kait found a spot on the beach to continue reading her book she can't put down: The Power of One. It is a true South African story and although I have not read it yet, I would highly recommend it. Alice and I walked down the beach swapping stories and trying to balance along the rocks. We probably stayed on the beach for an or hour or so and I still cannot get over the fact that I live right next to the Indian Ocean. I hope this is something that I never get used to and always take advantage of being in such a beautiful place. Every morning when we leave our housing complex we get a full view of the beach line and it is truly amazing. However, this week I didn't even notice what I was looking at because the novelty had worn off.

I remember last spring when I had the change to travel to Nicaragua, I and the rest of our team were taken aback by the beauty of the country. I remember we were travelling down a highway with huge mountains to both sides of us and a volcano could be seen way out in the distance. I remember that we took so many pictures and could not stop gushing about the scenery and the beauty of this new place. A few weeks later I was back in Virginia and travelling from my house in Alexandria back to school in Blacksburg along 81. For everyone that has made this journey you know that the Blue Ridge Mountains surround the highway and are absolutely gorgeous-just as beautiful as the mountains that we had seen in Nicaragua. However, I had made the journey so many times the view had lost its luster.
Wherever you may be in this world, remember to take in the little surrounding that you may see everyday. We truly do live in a beautiful world if we only open our eyes. Which leads me to my favorite song...Don't Panic by Coldplay. Enjoy!

Salani Kakuhle.
Sneak Peak for tomorrow's post: A day of celebration and graduation.

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