Monday, October 1, 2012

A Day in the Life..Wednesday

Hei Hei,

First off I want to apologize for not finishing my day in the life posts in the timetable I originally devised. However, my excuse was that I wanted to teach you something. I wanted to give you a feel for what "Africa Time" is really like. Things are said to be done at a certain time, however that time is usually pushed back a couple of hours...or in my case over a week.

Wednesday Septermber 19th 2012--Getting Biblical

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with which we ourselves are comforted by God. Radical. This is part of the passage that we just dissected in community group to try and understand the idea of suffering and comfort. This passage can bring up some heavy questions that are not easily understood. For example, Why is there suffering/affliction? From these passage we are taught that it is used for one purpose: to give full reliance and find full comfort in God. Suffering allows us to put more of our faith in Him. We are then comforted by God directly through His Holy Spirit or the church: His people. Us.

This passage really got me thinking about where I turn in times of suffering or times of trial. If I was honest and really had a deep understanding of myself I would say I turn to three major things: friends/friendship/social gatherings, sports, or the internet. If something is really bothering me, I want to go and talk to people, or go to the Gym and play basketball for three hours, or mindlessly surf the internet for hours. All of these things in themselves are not "bad", however they will never satisfy me completely.

Traveling halfway across the world to a new country has been hard to say the least, but I feel like I am encountering glimpses full reliance in the Lord. While I am here I cannot turn straight to my family, Haley, or my good buddies back at Virginia Tech which I would have unconsciously done. I cannot turn on the Nationals, Cubs, Hokies, or Packers game to numb my mind for a little while.  However, I can enter into his presence by reading His word or listening to worship music.

I knew that God has many lessons planned for me this year, but I know one of the biggest lessons He is teaching me is to find my reliance in Him.

Scripture we studied: 2 Corinthians 1:3-11, Acts 4:23
If this piques your interest at all or if you have a sweet story to share, let me know at

Tomorrow's preview: Thursday..A Day in the Office


  1. Hi Matthew,
    What wonderful insight! Reliance on the Lord is a lesson we have to be taught time and time again. Even at my age I tend to rely on my resources and intelligence, then a life lesson will teach me I need to rely on the Lord and my faith. I hope you are having a great time working with the kids and experiencing Africa. I know you miss Haley and your family. We are all praying for you and wish you well.
    Love, Aunt Shelley

  2. Hey Aunt Shelley,
    Great to hear from you! I think this is a lesson that I am going to encounter daily for the rest of my life. However, I think I am encountering it in a deeper way here in South Africa because I really have nowhere to run except the Lord. So, although it has been really hard and trying it has been amazing to find pure joy in God's presence. I am definitely missing Haley and the family, but I know that I have real purpose here in Port Elizabeth. Plus i will be seeing everyone at Chris' wedding in July which I am super excited about!

    Love, Matthew
